Art around the world

This is designed as an ongoing discussion of art, architectures and photos that inspire thoughts anf new artworks. Feel free to share your art, photos or ideas.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Travels to Spain

Toledo anyone? From Powhatan, Va to Toledo, Spain and many points in between. The size of the object in forground in comparison to the group in the background referenses a symbolic comparison to the size of the dramas in relation to the overal appeal of the trip. Go figure that one.
I was already a hugh Picasso fan when I visited the Prodo Museum in July. One could spend days in the Prado and still not see it all. As luck would have it there is now a special Picasso exhibition at both the Prao and the Sophia in Madrid, Spain. It was interesting and inspiring to see where Picasso found his inspiration and training. The Prado exhibition forcussed on his interpretation of Valezques's Las Meninas, where as the Sophia focusses on his war paintings. It was Picasso himself that said; "Painting is not to decorate the walls, no Painting is an instrument of War" .. or something like that. I was more intreegead by his war paintings at the Sophia than his other works at the Prado. I do wish the Prodao exhibition had included Goya's versions of Las Meninas as well.

During my most recent visit to Granada, Spain I went to the La Alhambra. This Moorish complex is one of the few things the Christians did not destroy in the conquest of the "civilized" world. Taking walkes through the gardens one can absorb the energy here. For me, it is a place of peace where I can sort my thoughts and gain new artistic inspiration.